Wellness and Dental Health
Physical health and dental health go hand in hand. Your health of your teeth is so important for the rest of your body to thrive.

Diabetes and Dental Health
- Control your blood glucose.
- Brush twice a day and floss regularly.
- Visit a dentist for routine checkups. Be sure to tell the dentist that you have diabetes.
- Tell the dentist if your dentures (false teeth) do not fit right, or if your gums are sore.
- Quit smoking. Smoking makes gum disease worse. A physician or dentist can help you quit.
Take time to check your mouth regularly for any problems. Sometimes people notice that their gums bleed when they brush and floss. Others notice dryness, soreness, white patches, or a bad taste in the mouth. All of these are reasons to visit the dentist.
Remember, good blood glucose control can help prevent mouth problems.
Dental Health During Pregnancy
Oral health during pregnancy is very important to be mindful of.
As an OHP Member your dentist can submit a request for additional cleanings to help prevent tooth decay, all that’s needed is a note from your doctor confirming pregnancy. Going to the doctor is safe during your pregnancy.
X‐rays can be taken if necessary, even if you are pregnant. Just ask your dentist to use a lead apron with a thyroid collar when taking x‐rays.
Germs in your mouth can be passed onto your baby while you are pregnant. Gum disease is linked with premature delivery and low-birth weight babies.
Here are a few tips to help you have a healthy pregnancy:
- Be sure to include foods high in calcium and Vitamin D in your diet.
- Snacking during the day can cause more tooth decay, try to limit sweet snacks.
- Brush your teeth right after eating or drinking.
- Remember to floss every day.
- Stop smoking, smoking can cause dental problems and hurt your baby.

Are you wanting to find ways to improve your oral health, like quitting smoking?
Quitting smoking tobacco can improve your oral health and physical health.
Your OHP Dental Care includes smoking cessation benefits. Let your PCD know if you want to start setting some goals to reach for a better & healthier YOU!
Ready to quit smoking or vaping? Help is here.
Quitting tobacco is not easy. But it’s possible.
If you use tobacco in any form, quitting is the #1 thing you can do for a healthier life. When you quit smoking or vaping, you’ll lower your risk of heart disease, stroke and cancer. Quitting is especially important for people who have diabetes, are pregnant or have high blood pressure.
Quitting is hard, but you’re more likely to succeed if you have help. Let your PCD know and they can assist you in getting the right help to quit.
Take the first step.
There’s no right way to quit. Here are some steps that you may find helpful:
Make an appointment with your primary care dentist (PCD).
Your PCD can help you plan out your goals. The OHP covers smoking cessation treatment.
Contact the Oregon Tobacco Quit Line.
Phones are staffed 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Call 800-QUIT-NOW (800-784-8669) or visit quitnow.net/oregon. For Spanish language, call 855-DEJELO-YA (1-855-335356-92). All Oregon residents get certain free services from the Oregon Tobacco Quit Line.
Educate yourself using resources. SmokeFree has some great tools for you to utilize – smokefree.gov/.